
We are going LIVE in Concert at Esher Theatre to début our brand new album
Tuesday 15 March
Wednesday 16 March
Thursday 17 March
Tickets on sale from the Esher Theatre Box Office NOW!
For a list of all our appearances and concerts, check our PlanetGiles site for full list of Gigs 'n Tickets
To be reminded nearer the time, add your email address to the
Mailing List. You will get news of the CD release date, Downloads,
The Illustrated Book of Lyrics, all live gigs and concerts.
National Album Day
Our deadline to complete our new album as a CD is the end of this year. However, the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) decided on October 12th as their National Album Day (www.nationalalbumday.co.uk), a concept they started last year.
It is to mark the release of any CD in any given year with national coverage on radio and social media, as well as giving anyone releasing a CD in that year a platform to let the public know.
Their celebrations commence from 7 - 12th October, and their theme this year is #Don’tSkip. Guess what this means?
Our CD actually has six tracks of three segued pairs, so their theme was right up our street and therefore could not be ignored!
Even though their date made our deadline too early, we have decided to honour the occasion with a Preview Gig at Cafe Capital on October 12th.
We will play a heady mixture of our original material from the CD plus covers on and off from 10am - 5pm.
Please pop in anytime for a cuppa, a chinwag and the crisp crackling sound of new music. It will be good to see you!
www.planetgiles.com will be live when the CD is completed.

Triptych 2020
Saturday 14th November 2020
Saturday 16th May 2020
Saturday 19 September 2020